Lisa Espinosa is a native of West Seattle, currently running for a seat as a Commissioner of the Port of Seattle. Lisa received her Bachelors of Arts and Masters in Public Administration from the University of Washington. After 22 years of service, Lisa retired from the local phone company. In addition, Lisa has worked at many levels in local government, including as a Division Director with Seattle Public Utilities, a Resource Conservation Manager with Tacoma Power, a Sustainability Specialist with King County Housing Authority, and a Customer Service Representative with Puget Sound Energy. She can often be found on the shores of the Duwamish River and is passionate about completing the job of taking it from one of the most polluted bodies of water in the country to one of the most clean. The first home that she owned was located in the Burien area, and has since become part of the third runway. As such, she understands the careful balance needed for Port operations versus environmental impacts, and worker and taxpayer rights.